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Donate a Book to the KMS Library

Thank you for donating a book to Kemp Mill Synagogue!  Please complete the form below.

   Koren Siddur ($40)
   Artscroll Siddur ($45)
   Stone Chumash ($54) **Not needed at this time**
   Hertz Chumash ($54)
   Hirsch Chumash (Trumat Tzvi) ($54)
   Steinsaltz Chumash ($54)
   Artscroll Family Megillah ($8)
   Koren Yom Ha'atzmaut Machzor ($30)
   Koren Siddur for Tisha B'Av ($12)
   Artscroll Rosh Hashana Machzor ($45)
   Artscroll Yom Kippur Machzor ($45)
*Double/Triple Chai members may dedicate one book each year at no cost. To arrange for a credit for your complimentary dedication, please contact

NOTE: Acknowledgments will be sent once the sefer/sefarim are purchased and all book purchases include a personalized book plate.

Sun, February 23 2025 25 Shevat 5785